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Dark Nebulae Online

A multiplayer top-down strategic space combat game. · By alshady


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Godot texture interaction tips
This is a short collection of intermediate tips and tricks for using sprites/textures in a Godot scene. I wrote it as response to this question on reddit. Comp...
Why Godot game engine is awesome - Part 1
In this post I want to talk about the Godot game engine and why I've chosen to use and support it. Although it's fun to cast shade on the two major proprietary...
Dark Nebulae 2.3.0 Alpha Release
Dark Nebulae Online - Alpha 2.3.0 I've gone into quiet-mode while working on this major update which includes support for dedicated servers, new ship classes...
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Community forum, new ships, new audio system
Before getting to whats in the update, an announcement: I've started a community forum for Dark Nebulae Online. This is a place to discuss new game idea, rep...
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Dark Nebulae Online Alpha Update and Trailer
I've got a few cool features to introduce, this video briefly shows most of them. New Features: New more streamlined login screen with animated nebula, ambi...
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Massive improvements to networking and UI
I'm skipping a version number because of how substantial this update is. It includes significant improvements in networking, UI, art, and more. Networking Effi...
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Dark Nebulae 1.3 - UI Exploration
This week's update features a ton of UI improvements to get ready for additional ship classes, a larger map, ship upgrades, mothership upgrades, resource collec...
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Dark Nebulae 1.2 Update
Alpha 1.2 is now released for Dark Nebulae Online. It contains new ship, weapon and station art. A map redesign with new bases, some performance optimizations a...
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This is the official community forum for Dark Nebulae Online. The game is currently Alpha stage and is offered free in the hopes of building a small player base to help find bugs and determine development priorities.

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Aesthetics, art design, music, GUI design.
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Technical questions, Godot game engine stuff, Networking and Server stuff, Code tutorials and examples,